Tuesday, May 31, 2011

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  • gloss
    Sep 12, 07:29 AM
    Didn't Lion's Gate mention the movie store in some recent internal conference? I doubt we'll be seeing just the iTunes Disney & Pixar Movie Store today. Fewer studios than we might like, but I can't imagine they'd launch without, y'know, a couple movies for grownups.

    Disney owns several studios that produce 'grown up' movies.

    (Disney Companies: Disney, Touchstone, Hollywood, Miramax, Buena Vista, Pixar)

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  • mrkramer
    Jan 15, 11:10 PM
    I was very disappointed with the keynote. I have no need for an :apple:TV, I am slightly upset that the iPod touch update costs money. The time capsule may be interesting, but nothing I plan on getting anytime soon. I did get excited when the MacBook air was introduced, but then after the keynote when I was checking prices on the BTO parts to see how long until I would have enough money to buy it I realized that it had a glossy screen which I will never buy so what would have been an otherwise almost perfect powerbook 12" replacement was ruined.

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  • sam10685
    Aug 7, 03:15 PM
    it's about time... the price is still kinda steep though...

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  • mac-er
    Jan 12, 08:46 AM
    Steve wasn't smug. He's a good salesman.

    Plus, what you were seeing was his RDF...apparently you are impervious to it.

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  • Manic Mouse
    Sep 12, 07:42 AM
    Does anyone else think selling/running video in iTUNES is a little counter-intuitive?

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  • jinxednuance
    Mar 10, 12:21 AM
    No the world is not run by Apple; and despite some folks claims Apple I don't think wants to be the next Microsoft either.... it does want to own a comfortable niche however...

    Niche? Really? So all the iPhones and iPads sold around the world and they're still niche? What's that niche called? the whole market?!

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  • Mousse
    Apr 13, 01:27 PM

    ZERO plots discovered.:eek: Why not have an automated body scanner that will alert an agent, if something odd pops up? Clearly the current system ain't working.:rolleyes:

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  • iliketomac
    Nov 23, 06:01 PM
    I got mine last Back Friday and it was discounted.. so maybe.

    Not sure about the AP Express (it's not on Apple's printed "Joy to the Wallet" sale list) ... Here it is again:

    "Joy to the Wallet" sale only on black friday '06:

    iMac: $898-$1958
    MacBook: $998-$1398
    .Mac: $68
    iPod Nano (except Reds): $138-$228
    iPod: $228-$318
    Wireless Mighty Mouse: $58
    Shure earphones: $78-$238
    Contour iPod Cases: $14-$24
    Belkin TuneBase FM: $58
    JBL On Stage Micro: $78
    JBL Spot Speakers: $108
    LaCie Hard Drives: $148-$888
    Incase Sling Pack: $48
    Xtreme Mac Micro Memo Voice Recorder: $48
    Sonic Impact Video-55 Display: $238
    Nike+iPod Sport Kit: $24

    The "red" iPod nanos and the new ipod shuffle remain at the same prices...

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  • ZipZap
    May 3, 07:01 PM
    I don't really get this... You already pay fees for the data - why do they care for how you use it?

    Because from the carrier perspective you pay to use data on a specific device. I am just not sure why people fail to understand this point.

    When you tether using mywi or another app, you are mis-using data. Some might say you are stealing.

    Lets not fain ignorance on this issue. I dont really care if folks tether outside of the T&C, but dont pretend that you are doing something that is permisable from the perspective of the carriers.

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  • divjapps
    Mar 10, 01:42 AM
    Apple certainly had the First Mover's Advantage for a few of their products. But there are so many other company's that have come out with really innovative products like Asus, Motorola. Some of them have been innovative in terms of design while others in terms of tech used.

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  • Mad Mac Maniac
    Apr 28, 07:04 AM
    I agree that there should be something to come from the votes...However I can't agree that the current system provokes short quick responses. No matter how many posts you have you can't view Marketplace until you have been here 6 months. I rarely post here, but I have gone way over the minimum number of posts, and I still have another month to wait.

    Rarely? I wouldn't consider over5 posts a day rare

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  • Rodimus Prime
    Mar 4, 11:26 AM
    Lee, my wife is a teacher. I'm quite aware of how much they make. For the record, they aren't required to have masters degrees (where do you get this stuff?). Most importantly, without thuggish unions, good teachers like my wife would make far more money than they do today, while the bad ones would make less or be fired. Good riddance. Our students deserve better. If you can't hack it, get another job.

    Yeah....I know enough about the inner workings of how teachers are paid and how all that works to call BS on what you saying. Give you an idea of how I know fair amount of inner workers is my brother is becoming a teacher and he is the 6th or 7th generation teacher so teaching runs in the family.
    Chances are with out the union you wife would be MAKING LESS not more. Most teachers are good. You have a very small handful that are bad but they are the ones that make the news because yes it is hard to get them out but at the same time those rules got put in place because the administration would really abuse their power.
    The bad teachers you hear about but the large number of good ones never are talked about.

    Pay for teachers is pretty much crap and they are not paid enough for what they have to put up with or the hours they have to put in. This goes double for any teachers in Math or Science were their pay is well below what they would in industry.

    Master degree part what Lee made the mistake on involves a requirement to teach any class that can go on to a 4 year university and that is for accreditation n reasons.

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  • TennisandMusic
    Apr 17, 11:37 PM
    uh ok... "built in pdf reader... windows marketplace - providing users easy access to Windows applications." - never seen that in an operating system before...

    You mean like how Finder is finally adding cut and paste? Give me a break, there is plenty that Windows does that OSX does not do, like decent graphics support for one. It cuts both ways.

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  • generik
    Oct 3, 12:22 AM
    When will this hacking nerd do something REALLY positive and productive to the world?

    Last time I heard, his occupation was to break into companies' IPR without any legal permission to do so...not commendable, to say the least.

    A lot more useful than lawyers :rolleyes:

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  • tdhurst
    Jan 12, 05:28 PM
    Obviously.:rolleyes: I was responding to the idea that is was somehow ironic (and funny) that such a low-tech device could disrupt such a high-tech show. There are many other low-tech ways to cause problems for exhibitors. You can't have an open, accessible show floor and protect against everyone's idea of a "prank." Exhibitors have to be able to trust that attendees, especially press credentialed attendees, won't make them look foolish in order to drive traffic to their blogs.

    Anyway, I hope you took notice of the real point of my comment:

    That's nothing to laugh about.

    This is more about the prank being done by a Gizmodo employee than the prank itself. If some Joe Blow attendee had done this, the blowback wouldn't have been as bad.

    Credentialed people are held to a higher standard. They are trusted to cover the event, not affect the outcome of it. Any blogger or press member should be embarrassed by this kind of behavior. As a writer and an event planner, I'm pissed in every way imaginable.

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  • tvguru
    Sep 12, 08:22 AM
    The links from that iTunes Videos thing DO NOT point to any movies. They point to iPod versions of movie trailers. It's just a consolidation of the current content.

    But saying that doesn't matter because people aren't reading the thread.

    LOL Chundles, looks like your the ring leader for the evening. :p

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  • holmesf
    Apr 30, 06:53 PM
    Who said anything about driving away future developers? You do realize that the closed app store is bringing in more developers right?

    There's no proof that a closed app store brought in developers because prior to the app store existing there was no 3rd party development on the device (well, besides jailbreakers). So you can't claim that. Case in point, the Mac App store hasn't exploded in popularity the way the iPhone app store did.

    But it's pretty clear that if Apple closed the platform they would lose the marketshare in:

    1. education (need unix shell, ability to write programs in Eclipse, etc)
    2. server (need extensibility)
    3. games (steam for example could not operate)
    4. professional (Adobe wouldn't stand for not being able to manage their own business model, for example)
    5. open source (major open source projects would avoid the Mac because App store doesn't jive with their licenses, Firefox, OpenOffice, etc)

    They'd probably also face a major antitrust lawsuit.

    It's an unrealistic doomsday proposition that Apple isn't stupid enough to pursue.

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  • davepoint
    Aug 14, 01:29 PM
    the world sucks

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  • mrkramer
    Nov 16, 08:25 AM
    I'm sure that somewhere in their headquarters Apple keeps a build of OS X on AMD like they did with Intel. But Idon't think that anyone outside of Apple will see it at least for several years.

    Apr 4, 12:39 PM
    Another way to go about tracking is via the MAC address. It is unique to your xbox and in theory just a traceable as an ip address. You should probably have it from the earlier logs when the box was near your house. You could go to each Internet service in town and ask if this MAC address is hitting their network.

    Worth a shot.

    Aug 7, 03:40 PM
    Price drops are always a good thing ;)

    Apr 27, 11:43 AM
    Thanks, here is the echoIt method :

    - (void) echoIt:(NSTimer *)timer // SECONDS METHOD


    Sep 12, 08:04 AM
    First iTMS wasn't working, now it is.. it's like they're updating the DNS or something.

    Oct 17, 09:41 AM
    That comment about not including the burner is interesting, and I'm at least trying to give it some more thoughtful consideration. Who really needs to burn 30 - 50 GB of data? For backup solutions, wouldn't just getting a huge external hard drive be more practical? Portability might be a factor there, but external drives aren't that cumbersome I don't think. I'm thinking that the majority use of those HD media burners would be to copy movies with illicit applications. Could Apple put in place some protection framework that attempted to only allow creative-works-originating software to burn HD discs, (ie, iMovie, iDVD, FinalCut and other pro apps that use full quality, large size files) therefore denying use of a program that takes a quick and dirty imported disc image and burn it to disc, so that you'd have to work around some long and annoying solution to make an illegal copy (ala burning audio CDs in iTunes and reimporting them to strip the DRM) that would deter any easy mass pirating?

    More simply, I'm curious of who out there needs to burn 30 to 50 GB chunks of data, too large for a dual layer DVD to hold, and why.

    If Apple wants to sell a lot of movies online and if the movies eventually become 720p or 1080p, users will need big discs like these to backup their movies. Right now I cannot even backup my iPhoto library into one DVD because it is about 11 GB.

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