Monday, May 30, 2011

counter strike wallpaper

counter strike wallpaper. counter-strike_wallpaper_11.
  • counter-strike_wallpaper_11.

  • motherduce
    Jan 9, 01:33 PM
    And don't ever do that again! :eek: :D :mad:

    What was that link? I'm waiting patiently, but if YouTube has it...

    counter strike wallpaper. counter-strike wallpaper 06
  • counter-strike wallpaper 06

  • eric55lv
    Jan 15, 04:54 PM
    . Although i was dissapointed with one thing...NO "ONE MORE THING".....:eek:

    I know they always do that

    counter strike wallpaper. free games counter strike
  • free games counter strike

  • slffl
    Jan 5, 04:35 PM
    This is a great idea for those that would like this option. MR rocks as always!

    Me though, I prefer the frequent frantic checks to the site as I try to get all my 'real work' done at the office.

    One year everyone was going out to lunch and I lied and said I had too much work to do...just so I could eat at my desk and get all the late-breaking news. My co-workers would think I was weird if I said why I really wasn't going...

    Yes, I'm a geek. :p

    LOL, so I'm not the only one. Every apple event I get a nice latte and bagel sandwich and eat at my desk too. Macworld has replaced christmas for me :)

    counter strike wallpaper. Counter strike 1.6 portable
  • Counter strike 1.6 portable

  • zephxiii
    Dec 19, 08:31 PM
    CDMA is not even close to being the dominate tech in cellular in China.

    counter strike wallpaper. Server Name:
  • Server Name:

  • LightSpeed1
    Mar 25, 12:07 AM
    Happy Belated Birthday OS X.

    counter strike wallpaper. Counter Strike Online Concept
  • Counter Strike Online Concept

  • wlh99
    Apr 28, 09:13 AM
    Your minutes and seconds are thus never reset, so your "timer" is never reset (this is completely a seperate issue from NSTimer, hence why I say you probably don't understand the scope of NSTimer. It has no knowledge of these variables and thus doesn't reset them when you invalidate myTimer or newTimer).

    That has been pointed out. The OP is stuck thinking the timer is broken, when it works exactly as it should. I think the OP thinks that those variables are part of the timer. He also first thought "self" was the timer. I asked if/where he was resetting the seconds, and if he wanted a reset function or not. For all we know, he wants a start stop timer that doesn't reset. That would be a normal implementation.

    Also, could you please post a screenshot of your Interface Builder associations ? (under File's Owner, the tab in Inspector with all the Outlets and Actions), because I can't quite figure out what buttons are tied to what actions.

    That would be very helpful. Also, explain how you want the program to act as the user uses it.

    You also still have 2 timers. Why do you believe you need both ? Have you tried simplifying the code to using only 1 ?

    He was told elsewhere that he could not reuse a timer. I think he is still stuck on the concept (not necessarily the definition) of a pointer, and of the life-cycle of an object. I'm not sure he grasps that in the posted samples, the NSTimer was not being reused.

    None of these are trick questions, It's me trying to understand what you think this code should do vs what it's actually doing. Now, if you don't answer my questions, I can't really help you here short of writing the code for you, which does not help you learn (I have a good idea how to make the code I wrote last night do what you want to do very quickly, but I doubt you can afford me as a consultant at my exorbitant rates!).

    I have some code to post to help the OP. But for not, I'm about to get a parking ticket, so I have to leave. But I will post it today.

    counter strike wallpaper. Counter Strike Wallpaper by
  • Counter Strike Wallpaper by

  • currentinterest
    Apr 15, 04:58 PM
    Yep, I remember all those fake, poorly photoshopped iPod Nanos and Mac Minis as well. These may very well be real, or could be an early version.

    counter strike wallpaper. Counter Strike Wallpaper by
  • Counter Strike Wallpaper by

  • tk421
    Oct 19, 12:39 PM
    Check out this to boost Mac OS X market share:,39020645,39284186,00.htm

    If Apple does it, Windows (read M$) will be out of business in three years!

    That idea is certainly not new. It's been debated lots of times on this site, and it's not that simple. Even the article itself doesn't say Microsoft will be out of business. It says Apple market share could be 20%.

    One of the problems with being software-only is that Apple makes a lot of money from their hardware. Another problem is that they have less control over the product. If they can't control the hardware, the software will face more issues.

    Anyway, I doubt they'd license the OS, and I wouldn't want them to.

    counter strike wallpaper. Nice Backgrounds For CS
  • Nice Backgrounds For CS

  • lapeno
    Apr 7, 03:05 AM
    About damn time too...

    Looking forward to shooting with this new gear...

    Really nice choice!

    counter strike wallpaper. Counter-Strike
  • Counter-Strike

  • Ziger Woods
    Apr 25, 11:46 AM
    I hope this is tha new 4S or whatever they call it!? It will b a nice upgrade from my almost unbearable 3G!!!

    counter strike wallpaper. Counter-Strike wallpaper
  • Counter-Strike wallpaper

  • *LTD*
    Apr 22, 10:01 PM
    The fact that I can not opt out. That it tracking me no matter were I go and I do not get a choice in the matter.

    So? How exactly will this affect you personally? Sounds like an imaginary demon. What exactly is your fear? Will some harm come to you?

    On top of that the more services that do this the more likely that it will be stolen as it already been shown Apple way of doing it is craptature as it is not even encrypted compared to Googles which is.

    Why does it need to be encrypted? For what purpose?

    This makes it very easy to steal.

    Ok. But for what purpose? To what end?

    It more I want to know what info is collect and what is done with it and also the option to opt out.

    What exactly do you think will be done with that information? Will you be tracked and abducted? What will be done with information that showed you were like 10km near your local Target outlet? Is this critical, private information about you?

    counter strike wallpaper. CS 1.6 CD key|Counter Strike
  • CS 1.6 CD key|Counter Strike

  • Warbrain
    Sep 12, 08:29 AM
    Is this new?

    Simple answer: No.

    counter strike wallpaper. counter strike bg0004
  • counter strike bg0004

  • iJohnHenry
    Apr 16, 04:28 PM
    Last time I checked, it didn't take material wealth to have good character or to be exposed to it.

    So, no excuses then?

    counter strike wallpaper. Counter Strike Wallpaper.
  • Counter Strike Wallpaper.

  • John Purple
    Jan 10, 07:18 AM
    iPhone will be release in Australia within the next month (end of Feb by the latest) only on the Telstra network. Unfortunately Telstra has exclusive rights for the iPhone, so the product will be awesome (e.g. being Apple) but the service provider will be crap....

    At my work we got a demo of the iPhone from Telstra for development reasons, we will be supplying data for a few of the services for the iPhone in Australia.

    Obviously Apple loves bad providers. In Germany they contracted T-Mobile, a Telekom AG company (not because of bad service ... but because of no service at all :eek: - as experienced in the past) That's THE reason why I don't want an iPhone.

    counter strike wallpaper. Counter Strike Wallpapers
  • Counter Strike Wallpapers

  • Highland
    Aug 2, 11:33 AM
    Norway is doing you all a favor. Do not act as stupid ass consumers with no brain. It is your right when you by music to listen to i where ever you want it too.
    You payed for it didn't you so now it is yours ....
    DRM is ******** and it takes away your rights as a consumers.

    Act now stop that ********.

    One more thing. At least we have the freedom and our goverment tries too help.

    A couple of points people always seem to miss.

    #1 -- This is not solely about iTunes. It isn't an attack on Apple... it's FOR ALL online music stores.
    #2 -- "Just buy CDs" DOES NOT cut it. They won't be around for much longer.

    Stop being such asses and realise that proprietary DRM on music, video, pictures or digital books is a really, really, ridiculously stupid thing for consumers and society. I'd rather have no DRM, but if we have to, let's make it something that everyone can use.

    Also... this isn't being driven entirely by Apple. The content owners are as much, if not more to blame. We all need to start speaking up about this or we're going to REALLY regret it in a few year's time.

    counter strike wallpaper. Counter-Strike-CZ_WALL-3.jpg
  • Counter-Strike-CZ_WALL-3.jpg

  • illegalprelude
    Jan 13, 04:02 AM
    I cant believe this is a topic that is being discussed. Who cares. If you like the products, sweet, if not, oh well. But to say he is arrogant? isnt that arrogence itself? (sp lol)

    counter strike wallpaper. Tags: valve,counter strike
  • Tags: valve,counter strike

  • takao
    May 5, 09:30 AM
    Are you truly anti-gun or have you just not been exposed to them so that you understand how fun it is:

    1) Use a shotgun to shoot clay targets;

    2) Shoot a rifle, pistol or revolver and realize how much fun it is to shoot a gun and hit your paper target, bowling pin or tin can;

    funny how here in austria with it's conscription service one can easily see how the majority of 18 year olds turn from pro gun to anti gun within 6 months

    after being grouped together with a whole age group across intelligence levels to handle guns, one simply can not take a pro gun stance

    counter strike wallpaper. Counter-Strike wallpapers
  • Counter-Strike wallpapers

  • ArtOfWarfare
    Jul 21, 10:23 AM
    As for people being surprised at Apple's childishness, have you forgotten about the douchetastic "I'm a Mac campaign".

    That campaign was saying "Look what we can do that you can't."

    That is proper advertising and the way it should be done.

    This campaign says "Look, you're just as bad as we are."

    I'm a Mac raised the bar, this thing just pulls the bar down.

    counter strike wallpaper. counter strike bg0005
  • counter strike bg0005

  • balamw
    Apr 16, 02:18 PM
    Apple doesn't have much in common with the company that promised that updates. MS might have changed since their Longhorn days, but they are still much closer times wise for MS. We'll see in Vista a screw up for MS after resting on XP's success for so long, or if 7 was a fluke and MS has lost it.

    I'm seeing 8 as a good OS X, but not the upgrade 7 was. Which is in part due to the mess that was Vista and the age of XP at the time of 7's launch.

    While I agree with you overall, I think there have been plenty of features that NeXT-Apple has teased, but not ultimately delivered on. "Home on the iPod" is one and "resolution independence" is another, I'm sure there are more but these are two that might actually have mattered to me.


    Aug 7, 08:48 PM
    Dell monitors use the exact same panel as the apple monitors do and the Dells have more features..

    If Dell uses the same panel, how do they fit the 23" panel in the 24" enclosure without an inch border? Or how does Apple shrink the 24" panel to fit in a 23" frame?

    Also how does Dell claim higher contrast ratios and greater brightness?

    Dell and Apple may use the same panel manufacturer, but clearly they are NOT identical panels.

    Oct 28, 06:30 PM
    Yes, big parts of it come from the BSD world.

    The BSD terms specifically allow derivatives to keep their sources closed, as long as credit is given.

    Okay. Everyone's got their own morals, but if a few people are putting OS X on their PCs, I don't see it as a huge issue. Given how complicated it is it's not really a *problem*. But if a rich company like Apple takes a free thing and makes money off of it and only gives some of it back to the community that created it and gave it away, that seems less moral (this is my opinion) regardless of what the legal documents say.

    Nov 24, 11:31 PM
    some kid in front of me in line brought in his old ipod for the ipod exchange program and got an additional discount on today's price. the 30gb ipod he got ended up being a little over $200. :rolleyes:

    Jan 5, 10:30 AM
    Oh, no...I don't think much of anyone expects there to be live coverage. They did away with that some time ago. But the QT archived video should be up within a few hours after the keynote ends.

    Right... I am talking about the "archive" video that they host after the event... I SO miss the live feeds (I remember when they canceled them)!!!

    The reason for the post here was in hopes that there would be others like me... enough to warrant a page, link, RSS, e-mail, something of the sort. Guess not. No biggie.


    May 4, 03:46 PM
    No, we've had similar discussions before regarding a physician's willingness to treat someone due to their own personal religious beliefs, etc. and their response was quite different... the vast majority in that case believed that the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT should not allow doctors to ask such questions or refuse to perform procedures they found philosophically reprehensible such as abortions... as if each physician in the country is some sort of robot working at the service of the government no longer allowed to think or reason on their own. But, now that it's about guns, they take a different approach. It's a very distinct hypocrisy.

    nope; you've simply mixed up the issues and the responses

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