Tuesday, May 31, 2011

motivational quotes posters

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  • freeman24
    Nov 24, 06:39 PM
    This is a tad bit of cross-posting on my behalf but the UK apple stores will be doing the same on December 1st!


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  • Dunepilot
    Nov 17, 08:09 AM
    It's the Brit pronunciation - like that extra syllable that they throw into aluminum...

    Or rather that we haven't removed a letter 'i' from that word.


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  • BurtonCCC
    Mar 24, 09:29 PM
    http://www.kropserkel.com/Images/horsehead%20(6).jpg (http://www.kropserkel.com/Images/horsehead%20(6).jpg)

    Do it. Except for real. :D

    Good luck! I think you have all of MacRumors behind you now! For a little clarification, you do see your console's serial number is on your wireless network?


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  • KnightWRX
    Apr 29, 07:44 PM
    So KDE4 is a bad 90s Linux Window Manager?

    As far as the look goes ? Yes. As far as the architecture behind it goes ? No (gone is the fake transluscency hacks of Rasterman and Enlightenment and in are the compositing extensions). Context man, I see your break from MacRumors didn't teach you to stick to context. :rolleyes:

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  • fyrefly
    Apr 29, 02:28 PM
    The macbook air's ship with 2gig standard. They wont leave a computer that new behind.

    They won't make Lion "uninstallable" on it. But it might be "unbearable" for all but the most casual of users. ;)

    On a side note, I've noticed there's now a "Show downloads" button to the left of the Search Field:


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  • Anuba
    Jan 12, 05:44 PM
    Someone asked you what you were hoping for, and that's it? You call it not revolutionary, but you can't give a single idea of what you think revolutionary is? :confused:
    Ideally, a revolutionary product is a completely new concept, something nobody thought of before. If all the iPhone mockups out there had missed the mark, the iPhone would be revolutionary, but there were quite a few that were based on the idea of a huge display and no keys. The iPhone is a mishmash of existing concepts that have been refined, polished and rolled into one. While the multi-touch screen is a milestone of sorts, other aspects of the iPhone are very yesterday. The modest memory, for one, and for another the absence of 3G which is somewhat of a shocker - 3G has been a staple of top-of-the-line phones for years now.

    Did I miss the part of the keynote where Steve said this was aimed at the business market? :eek:
    If not the business market, then who? It can't be kids, as it has no games, and allegedly no support for custom ringtones. It can't be business users, since they'll want Outlook or Lotus Notes sync, and possibly a navigator, and they'll most definitely not want to use frickin' iTunes to sync up. Which leaves, I dunno... Mac enthusiasts and 30-somethings who are hoping for 15 minutes of fame by the watercooler? He did say his goal was 10 million units.

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  • roadbloc
    Apr 13, 05:48 AM
    I wish windows goes UNIX

    There is more chance of you waking up on the moon tomorrow morning than happening. Hell would freeze over and they'd still be a reason why it isn't happening.

    Unix has it's flaws too. I certainly think that NT is reaching a certain maturity to be considered just-as-good as Unix.

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  • KnightWRX
    Mar 10, 04:34 AM
    Umm, a touch screen on a computer like that is really stupid because if your using it solidly for more than 1 hour your arms would fall off :rolleyes:

    Funny how before Steve said that, you would have been one to repeatedly ask for a touch screen iMac. ;)

    I just look to Steve to see the trends in posting on Macrumors. Whatever the guy says, it means it will become defacto opinion on this site.

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  • JKK photography
    Apr 8, 05:09 PM
    You can say that about any consumer product.
    Speaking in general terms, MS has added more to windows, improved performance and reduced the bloat with win7.

    Apple has gone the opposite direction, adding bloat and no major feature since 10.5

    So 10.6 is bloated?

    I would say that Windows 7 has very few new features, compared to Windows Vista. It was a performance/stability upgrade.

    I would say that Snow Leopard has very few new features, compared to Leopard. It was a performance/stability upgrade.

    Now, one of last-gen OS' actually needed a big boost in the performance/stability department. One didn't.

    I simply don't agree with you. Snow Leopard was a few GBs smaller than Leopard, and was faster... and yet you say it is bloated?

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  • Slix
    Apr 29, 03:52 PM
    Apple listens to it's fans. Yay! XD

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  • Cromulent
    Nov 10, 10:04 AM
    I have to say this game kicks the crap out of Modern Warfare 2 which felt dull and boring in multiplayer mode. The maps are far more varied than in Modern Warfare 2 and much more interesting. The game modes are pretty good and the best thing about it is the customisation you can do. Plus the new leader boards are good for those of us who are pretty competitive.

    Overall I'm much happier with this game than I ever was with Modern Warfare 2 which I only ever played FFA on and people always used to cheat by using Tactical Insertion to sit next to each other and get free kills.

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  • z4n3
    Mar 24, 04:46 PM
    I think that's Audion.


    Thanks... :D

    I wish it was still around.

    Found this link (https://www.panic.com/extras/audionstory) that is quite interesting regarding iTunes beginnings

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  • lmalave
    Oct 3, 12:31 PM
    iTV is a definite. Whether or not it's available then, at the very least the final feature set will be specified. As part of that, Apple will probably announce all Macs are updated with 802.11n (already rumored to be the case for iMacs).

    I would also rate the iPhone a very high probability. Apple is not stupid and they have to strike now while the iron is hot and the iPod is still at the top of its game. Music phones by SonyEricsson, LG, Samsung, Motorola, etc. may not have made a dent in iPod sales yet, but they are bound to once they improve the crappy media player software and increase capacity (and affordable 2 GB micro/mini SD flash cards are already available).

    If Apple is able to deliver an iPhone by early I predict it will sweep aside all competitors (LG Chocolate, SonyEricsson Walkman phone, etc.), and also start taking large chunks of market share of "cool" fashionista-oriented phones like RAZR and Sidekick. Not because Apple is competing on features with the RAZR or Sidekick, but rather because it will become the new "cool" phone, and most people only own one phone, after all.

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  • aeneas07
    Oct 6, 11:46 AM
    Getting back to the actual advertisement. What self-respecting advertising professional would use someone else's tagline like that.

    I had a few friends watching the football game (where we saw the ad) and half of them thought it was an iphone commercial because they were only half paying attention and heard "there's a map for that".

    Pretty shoddy work in my opinion.

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  • Bistroengine
    Apr 5, 05:51 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    and I'm surprised at the angry people like yourself being so angry at another grown ups choice of words!who are you to tell me what i can and can't say?do yourself a favor and don't reply i don't suffer fools. think il quit this forum to many ignorant people

    Well then, I'll do brogers a favor and reply on his behalf. I think you've again misinterpreted another persons emotions. I don't see that brogers is angry, he's simply disappointed at the number of forum members who resort to name calling and labeling when they don't agree with another's opinion. (Something I've been vehemently opposed to as well my entire life) Also, he is not trying to tell you what you can and can't say. The beginning of his post clearly states you can say whatever you want. Again, he's simply disappointed that ones right to freedom of speech on this forum usually ends with name calling. I find it highly ironic that YOU want to leave this forum because of too many ignorant people.

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  • joeboy_45101
    Nov 16, 10:35 PM
    Don't forget! It took Intel 6 years to really surpass AMD on performance. The current AMD Athlon is no slouch either. If it was a choice between the Athlon 64 or a Pentium 4, like it was a year ago, many here would be jumping for joy over a switch to AMD.

    The reality is ,though, that Apple seems pretty satisfied with Intel right now and I believe they made the right choice. If Apple does decide to use AMD processors then it would probably be for the iTV or the Mac Mini. These things won't be competing on raw power but on quality and price. An order I believe AMD can fill.

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  • LightSpeed1
    Apr 29, 04:04 PM
    I wish they would keep the slider buttons. I really really liked them :/I Agree

    I don't know if it me being impatient because I haven't fully embraced all of the new features, but so far the Lion experience has not been that great. But I think it's just the learning curve.

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  • anotherarunan
    Jan 15, 01:14 PM
    Pretty much standard procedure from apple. Although i was dissapointed with one thing...NO "ONE MORE THING".....:eek:

    apart from that, expect the usual complaints...and take a look at the price of a macbookair with a SSD! :eek:

    im happy though, my SR macbook is still top of the range! and justifys me buying it in december :D

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  • gooddeal
    Apr 8, 01:07 PM
    Apple should dump BB base on their "search" practice alone. If you go to BB and search for iPad, BB doesn't show iPad. It shows the options to select iPad or many other tablets. If you search "Sony LCD", you will get "Sony LCD' and not other brands.:rolleyes:

    Apr 9, 09:47 PM
    New car for the wife! '08 Honda Odyssey EX-L


    Mar 17, 12:53 PM
    Really VictoriaStudent, lol I agree with BForstal on what people would do in the same situation 100 percent, and I'm not trying to brag about anything, and I cant even believe this thread has reached 3 pages. Sec I have no reason to troll!!! I have been a member of this forum since and even though I have never really posted anything I have found wealth of knowledge over the years from people in these forums. Wow and you cannot judge a person's character by a mistake a cashier made in a store!!! Like I said everybody is entitled to there own opinion, If you were to make note of the mistake to the store if it happened to you and it makes you feel so highly above any one else, more power to you. As far as I'm concerned this is one time I actually got a break on a apple product.

    You're probably right, but the difference is that most would either have enough of a guilty conscience, or at least enough fear of getting busted, to NOT go telling it in a public forum and then copping some sort of superior attitude over it when criticized about it.

    By knowingly taking it you did in fact break the law, and now you've publicly incriminated yourself to boot. Your morality is unfair to question given how the majority of people may have done the same thing (Meaning, "Who are we to judge?"). Your stupidity, however, is quite evident, and those are the ones who usually end up paying for their crimes one way or another. Karma is, in fact, a b@tch. Especially when you paint a bullseye on your @ss and dare it to strike you down.

    May 2, 11:47 AM
    I dont know why people on MR seem hellbent on defending Apple no matter the situation (literally)...
    Because a huge amount of the reported details on this matter are wrong.
    While the method of storing the cell location cache may show poor judgment on Apples part, I don't see any malicious intent. The system is logical implemented and on the surface, cell location data does not appear sensitive enough to justify encryption. It is only after further analysis that potentially sensitive data can be inferred.
    Regardless it's good to see it being addressed.

    Mr. Man
    Jan 5, 05:42 PM
    so will the link provided be updated to be a direct link to the quicktime movie apple post, becuase i dont want to see anything on here or the apple home page first!

    Oct 28, 06:12 PM
    Isn't a healthy chunk of OS X based on FreeBSD? A free, open source Unix distro? In a sense, if they use FreeBSD and do not contribute back to the very open source community they're borrowing from, doesn't that make Apple a thief? Maybe I'm missing something :o
    Who says they don't?

    In fact, if you believe this guy's blog, Apple may very well have saved FreeBSD from oblivion: http://trollaxor.com/text/thank_apple_for_freebsd.html

    (I'm not necessarily saying he's right about saving FreeBSD, just that NeXT/Apple have contributed to it.)

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