Sunday, May 29, 2011

nicki minaj booty before and after

nicki minaj booty before and after. nicki minaj booty before and after. nicki minaj implants efore; nicki minaj implants efore. TuckBodi. May 12, 10:12 AM
  • nicki minaj booty before and after. nicki minaj implants efore; nicki minaj implants efore. TuckBodi. May 12, 10:12 AM

  • Lord Blackadder
    May 5, 06:24 PM
    If we were to implement restrictions it would have to be nation-wide, or else it would be too easily thwarted.

    What do we do with the 200 million legally owned guns? Not to mention the unknown (but surely quite significant) number of illegally owned or stolen guns we can't even track?

    I think any talk of a blanket ban is pure folly and ignores the reality of the situation.

    The biggest problem is just how far apart people are on this issue. People with little or no exposure to guns generally fear them and support draconian bans; people who grew up surrounded by them are much more likely to support some level of gun ownership, but a vocal minority of them want to do away with most or all regulation. I think both extreme positions (seeking to ban most/all guns vs advocating little/no regulation) are unrealistic and need to be abandoned.

    The NRA's current policy leans heavily towards automatic knee-jerk attacks towards any person or organization that might appear to criticise or question any aspect of firearms ownership, or to undertake any scientific study involving guns, safety, culture, crime, etc etc. Speaking as a gun owner myself, I think the NRA is a wayward, counterproductive organization that is far too combative and has strayed too far from their original purpose, becoming in the process a horrible caricature of itself. On the other hand, a large chunk of the anti-gun lobby consists of fearmongers who are themselves largely ignorant when it comes to firearms and prey on the ignorance and fear of people to gain support.

    The whole political debate is broken, and I see no evidence that this will ever change. Both sides fear nothing more than concession to their opponent, so an eternal stalemate will continue.

    The OP is an example of just how far from reality the "gun debate" in this country has strayed.

    nicki minaj booty before and after. Nicki Minaj Before And After
  • Nicki Minaj Before And After

  • lostngone
    Oct 29, 04:21 AM
    You CAN'T abuse a BSD license. Have you read the BSD license? It sais basically "Do what you want with this software but don't sue the University of California" You can't seal BSD because it is free for everyone.

    So you can run BSD UNIX on a generic PC or a wrist watch if you want. or you can even do whet Next did: Down load it and put it on your own hardware and sell it. Then Apple bought Next and we have OSX. Next got it for free and so can you or I. Apple can put the code on the web or take it off the web. The license only says to leave the U of C alone.

    Are we talking about the FreeBSD license or the NetBSD license. The NetBSD license isn't free and that is what OSX is based off of and apple paid to use the license.

    nicki minaj booty before and after. Nicki Minaj Booty Implants
  • Nicki Minaj Booty Implants

  • slffl
    Oct 11, 10:23 AM
    Man I think this 'true' video ipod thing is dumb. Are widescreen TV's called 'true' TVs? Until ALL video content is 16:9, you're going to have black pillars on half your content whether it's 4:3 or 16:9.

    Screw a widescreen ipod. Give me the current ipod video with the screen turned sideways and made larger like the zune.

    nicki minaj booty before and after. Nicki Minaj George Lopez 1
  • Nicki Minaj George Lopez 1

  • Warbrain
    Sep 12, 08:46 AM
    2. New iPods. Wide-screen iPod with 720x480 resolution, perfect for wide-screen DVD quality movies. Touch interface. New Nano's, all-metal casing, 4 colors, up to 8GB. All available starting today.

    Probably not. They'll release new nanos after the student rebate is over.

    nicki minaj booty before and after. nicki minaj booty before
  • nicki minaj booty before

  • netdog
    Sep 12, 07:31 AM
    Can't wait :D

    The Australian store is claiming that the store is busy or to check my connection :confused:

    Same in the UK.

    nicki minaj booty before and after. nicki minaj booty before and
  • nicki minaj booty before and

  • Tillybug
    Mar 17, 12:56 PM
    I been a browser of this forum for years, but never posted many threads, Picked up My black 16g wi-fi iPad 2 on launch day at Best Buy. The store was chaos, and it turned out to be a very lucky day. I told the stoner at the register I wanted to pay some of the balance in cash and the rest with my credit card. He counted the cash I gave him which was $230.00 looked dumbfounded for a moment, printed out a receipt and handed me my bag, followed by are we cool? I said yes, walked out and could not believe he never asked for the remaining balance. Walked out with a brand new ipad for 230.00 Wow!! Now normally I'm honest about things in that nature, but I have been screwed by Best Buy so many times I looked at it as being payback. Picked up a green smart cover incase sleeve and a STM micro ipad carry on sling pack, an excellent iPad combo. Yes, there are some minor issues with a little light bleed but no device is perfect, and it's not going to last 5 years. Instead of looking for imperfections and little micro scratches in the aluminum people should have fun and enjoy the device. Hope everyone is enjoying their iPad 2, I know I am

    You're a thief.

    nicki minaj booty before and after. nicki minaj booty before and
  • nicki minaj booty before and

  • Anthony T
    Apr 15, 04:41 PM
    I was all for having an aluminum design, but not if it looks like that. That thing is just ugly. I like this concept the most, just without the circle around the Apple logo, and none of those ugly colors like the pink, blue, green, etc.

    nicki minaj booty before and after. nicki minaj booty before and
  • nicki minaj booty before and

  • snberk103
    Apr 15, 08:03 PM
    Well actually we know the TSA methods don't work because both of the incidents were from European airports that mirror what the TSA does. Added to the number of weapons that make it through TSA checkpoints, it's easy to see that the TSA does in fact not work to the extent that it is expected to.
    All we know is that increased security screening is not perfect. Perhaps you can extrapolate the European experience (in this case) to the TSA... but that's as far as you can go.

    I understood your rather simplistic attempt at game theory just fine. The problem remains that one side is not a rational actor. The command portion of terrorists have virtually nothing to lose with a botched attempt, and neither does the fanatic patsy. A 50/50 ratio isn't good enough for our security because the downside for both command and patsy are much smaller than the upside (from their perspective). The chances of failure need to be much higher in order to effectively deter terrorists.

    Do you always start with the insulting tone (see bolding) when the debate isn't going your way? I would argue that both sides are rational actors, though both sides may also employ non-rational players. The higher echelons of terrorist organizations have shown themselves to very worried about being captured by the fact that they are so hard to catch. If they didn't care, they wouldn't be going to a great deal of trouble to avoid it. Therefore, to my mind, they are rational actors. That 50/50 number is one that I threw into the argument as an "for argument's sake". Please don't rely on it for anything factual. The TSA in fact catches more than 50% of their training/testing planted weapons. And yes, I think even if the the number was as low as 50/50 a rational actor would do everything... oh heck... I've already written all that - you've not presented anything else of substance in it's place, so I'll just save my typing finger....

    Sacrificing these things is appropriate when there is a tangible gain. There hasn't been much of a tangible gain with TSA, and this is coming from the head of Israeli Security. We're paying a lot and getting almost nothing in return. Every year there's a new "standard" put out there to make it seem like TSA is doing something, but time and again security experts have lambasted TSA and its efforts as a dog and pony show.

    Your own opinion of flying should be an example of how ridiculous things have gotten. If people now become disgruntled and irritated every time they fly, for perhaps marginal gains in security, then our methods have failed.
    That's the funny thing. I've never actually said that the TSA is the best thing around. All I've said is that the TSA is doing something. That's all - that the TSA is doing something right. Not everything. Just something. Go back and look it up. Even the head of the Israeli security never said they were useless (as in doing nothing right). Just that it wasn't the best use of resources. Oh, and if you know Israelis (and I do), then you'll also know that there is another Israeli who knows just as much as that first fellow, and she thinks the TSA is doing things just fine.

    It is difficult to prove, but you can make an educated guess about what the cause is. Other than the correlational evidence, there is no other good data to suggest that TSA has actually been effective. In no field is correlation enough to establish anything but correlation.
    That's the problem with 90% of the decisions Governments make. All they have is correlational connections. Or incomplete causal relationships. Or... basically the best they can do is make an educated guess, and hope for the best.

    No, that's not how it works. If you want to assert your idea as correct, the burden is on you to show that it is correct. I am going to try to poke holes in your reasoning, and it's up to you to show that my criticisms are invalid on the bases of logic and evidence.
    No, on two counts. 1) You asserted "Our attempts at security are at best as good as Lisa's rock...". I countered your assertion by saying that the TSA must be doing something right, and used the stats on hijackings. I (to paraphrase you) "poked hole in your reasoning". You've presented nothing that counters my evidence, except to try mocking it as simplistic. If it is, then show how it is.... If my argument doesn't convince you. Then say so, and then leave it at that. I have my opinion, you have yours. But if you want me to change my opinion you had better do better. 2) I've forgotten - cr*p.

    So far you've only cited correlation, which is not sufficient evidence for causation. You ignored my criticism based on military intervention, changing travel patterns, etc, and only want to trumpet your belief that correlation is enough. It's not. If you don't want to do more on Mac Rumors, then don't post anymore on this topic concerning this line of discussion.
    You are right correlations don't show causation. But they are evidence for it. If you have evidence that shows otherwise, present it.

    nicki minaj booty before and after. nicki minaj booty pads
  • nicki minaj booty pads

  • hob
    Jan 9, 04:05 PM
    Unfortunately, the keynote itself is on a product page for a new product, so before you watch it, you will know what the new product is.

    It's still not up yet though...

    nicki minaj booty before and after. nicki minaj booty before and
  • nicki minaj booty before and

  • sososowhat
    Sep 28, 06:52 PM
    Larry Ellison's's place on Mountain Home Rd, also in Woodside, is an unbelievable extravagance -- quite the opposite of Jobs'.

    I believe the place is built entirely without nails, using old Japanese techniques. He brought in 3750 tons of hand-chisled granite, and 5000 tons of boulders, and moved 81,000 cubic yards of earth for his estate. I haven't been in, but it's intriguing from the gate-house.

    -- Bridges and pathways lead to a teahouse, moon pavilion, guesthouse, bridge house, boathouse, barn and "Katsura house," a made-in-Japan near replica of a famous teahouse built as part of a royal compound of the same name in Kyoto, Japan, in the early 1600s.
    -- The project: Transform 23 acres in Woodside into Japanese-style imperial villa with 10 hand-crafted buildings, bridges, manicured gardens, ponds, waterfalls and islands.

    -- Price tag: Reportedly approaching $100 million, up from $40 million estimate in 1996, with two years to go.

    Jobs' current place in Palo Alto is similarly modest to his new one -- though a little less private: You can often see him inside, and occasionally picking apples in the yard.

    nicki minaj booty before and after. Well look at these efore and
  • Well look at these efore and

  • noservice2001
    Nov 23, 04:40 PM
    i was just wondering if this would update...

    nicki minaj booty before and after. nicki minaj booty before and
  • nicki minaj booty before and

  • eyelobes
    Mar 17, 08:28 AM
    Good for you man!!!

    That punk ass stoner gets what he gets. I have a brother and a broth-in-law that are both stoner drop outs and half-ass everything they do. Everyone needs a push to set them straight, be it jail or getting fired for failing to pay attention to detail.

    As a 2 time war vet, if the scouts on my team failed to pay attention to detail i would be dead right now. As we always used to say "get your head out of your 4th point of contact before you get someone killed"

    nicki minaj booty before and after. nicki minaj butt, nicki minaj
  • nicki minaj butt, nicki minaj

  • frenchroast
    Sep 28, 08:00 PM
    They also forgot to mention that it will be machined out of a solid block of aluminum billet.

    nicki minaj booty before and after. nicki minaj booty before and
  • nicki minaj booty before and

  • vendettabass
    Sep 12, 02:38 AM
    brushed aluminium nano = good
    no storage bump = bad

    nicki minaj booty before and after. nicki minaj booty before
  • nicki minaj booty before

  • Phat_Pat
    Sep 7, 11:06 PM
    Its Music. Music now a days contains some curse words. There were no 5 year olds in that audience. 5 year olds are not going to watch a keynote. Everyone in that audience has heard the word and are mature enough to handle it. Just because he doesn't like Bush doesn't mean he's a bad person. Its his opinion. I have mine too...

    His music is fantastic, and seriously who here doesn't have a song in their music library with the f-bomb in it.

    Just because you don't like rap doesn't mean you should put him down. In his genre he is up there with the best. And of course apple's heard his songs. its the number one song/album on iTms. Not everyone in apple is 50+ years old and listens to nothing but the Beach Boys and Cher.

    nicki minaj booty before and after. nicki minaj booty before
  • nicki minaj booty before

  • davepoint
    Aug 14, 01:52 AM
    You're telling me they haven't recouped costs for designing the things yet? Or that we should always have to pay..

    nicki minaj booty before and after. nicki minaj fake ooty efore
  • nicki minaj fake ooty efore

  • archurban
    Oct 10, 07:41 PM
    so what will 6G be if it is not? that's question, huh?

    nicki minaj booty before and after. nicki minaj booty before
  • nicki minaj booty before

  • chris975d
    Dec 13, 10:34 PM
    <-----Takes one

    Why on earth would they create such a manufacturing and delivery nightmare??? OF COURSE they would put Verizon and AT&T on 2 separate refresh dates, it only makes sense. The situation you describe is perfectly normal and happens all the time. It's only practical for Apple to do the same.

    I was acutally going to say this same thing. It makes more sense for Apple to put a Verizon/CDMA/LTE...whatever phone on a different release cycle than the GSM phone, as they typically can't even handle the logistical nightmare of releasing the current phone with adequate supply. How long is the thing backordered now when an iPhone is released? How nightmarish is it for them to produce and keep adequate supply of only a GSM iPhone? Now imagine if those production numbers were divided between a Verizon AND the GSM'd never be able to get one! A 6 month split would be almost perfect for'd give the production lines ample time to get decent numbers of both phones built up. The dual release (unless Apple can get a single chip LTE/CDMA/GSM solution) would be a potential nightmare for FoxConn's assembly plant.

    nicki minaj booty before and after. nicki-minaj-ooty-4.jpg
  • nicki-minaj-ooty-4.jpg

  • IJ Reilly
    Oct 19, 11:43 AM
    400 pre-splits shares?

    My God, man. That's some profit!! :cool:

    I believe that translates roughly into a 1,900% return on investment.

    I could tell, my broker thought I was certifiable when I put in the buy orders. BTW, he didn't have a computer at home in those days. Now he's got an iMac. ;)

    Apr 25, 03:35 PM
    You expect employees who make minimum wage to break up a fight? They should call the cops, but for sure not break up a fight.

    Your damn right I do, I've kicked people out of stores before for being rude to employees, shouting at each other, behaving inappropriately and refusing to respond to reasonable requests.

    If people started fighting in my place of work i would absolutely get involved, probably starting with dumping a bucket of mop water over them.

    I've broke up a fight between 14 and 15 years old siblings while I was teaching a ski lesson. And I wouldn't have hesitated if it had been two 20 year olds.

    When did we become so bloody apathetic and wimpy that were afraid of breaking up a fight between a group of girls. As far as I'm concerned I could give a damn about trans gender or not.

    If you work somewhere you have a position of authority and that makes it your job to protect all people in your store, sack up and diffuse the situation.

    Apr 15, 12:49 AM
    ahoy, this thread and recent events inspired me to sign up and share and maybe help as well.

    i actually stumbled upon this thread from another message board not very long ago, and thought to myself what a terrible situation. well, around 1:30 am last saturday morning, three guys kicked in the front door to my house, went to my roomate's room and attacked him, stabbing him near 13 times. they stole his ps2, my 360 (no controllers or connection cords), my zune, my electric guitar, and the nunchuck to my wiimote. thankfully, none of the attack was fatal and my roomate is making a full recovery. tuesday of this past week, a friend calls to tell me that he sees my xbox live name online. i call microsoft and just like in your case, they are unwilling to give out the ip info, which in retrospect is definitely understandable. as i was on the phone with them, our detective calls me and tells me they found my zune and possibly my 360. the people responsible for the break in and attack had been doing numerous breakins and robberies and were finally apprehended. it ended up being a group of around 6 to 7 people, men and women, adults and teens. the ones involved in our situation are currently looking at 60 years each, and more years added on if it ends up being gang related.

    my main reason for posting is this. i live in valdosta, ga. it's barley over an hour away from tallahassee. the detectives informed me that wherever these criminals were caught, they had stockpiles of stolen items, including quite a few xbox's. i know it's most likely a long shot, but from what we've been told, these guys have been up to it for a while. seeing as how we're not that far away, i thought that it may have been helpful. i know that if it did turn up, it'd be like an episode of "lost" what with coincidences and all, but i felt compelled to respond, seeing as how a week ago i read your story about becoming a victim, then i became one myself, and seeing as how it is looking hopeful at a possible return, thought i'd try and pass on a bit of hope too.

    and i feel you on the guitar hero. i had only had it for two days, and the disc was inside my 360 when they took it.

    Thats some crazy stuff. I can't believe they would stab someone for a PS2 and a 360. I'm supposed to meet with the investigator in charge of my case on Monday to see what is going on. Right now, the only hope is somehow getting the IP address they are using and its looking like I'm not getting my 360 back anytime soon.

    On the brighter side, I've got renters insurance and some shiney new locks on my doors.

    Apr 23, 05:34 PM
    Microsoft is planning to release an App Store for Windows.

    Oh yay! Another app-store rip off years after the OSX one has debuted.

    Jan 9, 03:19 PM

    Mar 28, 10:37 PM
    And please.... don't cry about the 30% margin... it's so freak'n fair by all software distribution practices that is not a reason for any developer not to want to use the AppStore as a channel.

    30% is very good if you usually went through others.

    If you sell the software yourself online, it's not an attractive deal. A big example was the delay in getting Slingplayer on iOS devices. They could not have been happy about losing $10 per each of tens or hundreds of thousands of downloads.

    Obviously, Apple is trying to encourage more Apps to get on iTunes or in the App store. Nothing wrong with that.

    Sure, but the point is that this isn't a new award. It's been going on for years and yet suddenly has this requirement that is blatantly geared towards rewarding only those who also give royalties to Apple.

    It's their right to do so, but greed is not pretty to watch in any case.

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