Sunday, May 29, 2011

periodic table trends

periodic table trends. periodic table trends. The trends in the structures; The trends in the structures. aswitcher. Aug 7, 02:28 PM. Hmm Cinema displays also got a bump.
  • periodic table trends. The trends in the structures; The trends in the structures. aswitcher. Aug 7, 02:28 PM. Hmm Cinema displays also got a bump.

  • jfmartin
    Jan 14, 08:50 AM
    Found in a prototype Macbook Air used by Steve Jobs

    The keynote to unfold like this

    Welcome !

    iPhone news (100%)
    * Sales news - 5 millions sold !
    * 8 g version of iPhone price drop - 329$ (50%)
    * 16 g version of iPhone - 399$ (50%)
    * 1.1.3 firmware as seen on the web in december (100%)
    * SDK based apps in developpement will be shown
    * The distribution model of iPhone apps (50%)
    * through iTunes
    * commercial or free
    * automatic upgrade of new versions of Apps
    * authentication/signature required for secure Apps

    iTunes news (100%)
    * More DRM-free content to compete with Amazon MP3 (50%)
    * No Beatles (100%)
    * Movie Rentals
    * 2.99$ -3.99$
    * 3 days rental period
    * from the first play
    * all majors (except sony)
    * play on all iPod/iPhone/AppleTV/Macs
    * Fox to encode version of the movie on the DVD, others studios to do the same
    * Movies rental at the same time of the DVD is out to the market
    * Movie for sale to see price hikes
    * some more differential factors to be announced but still unknown (100%)
    * iTunes 7.6 (not 8.0) (100%)
    * iPods firmware to see new versions to allow movie rentals (100%)

    * the forth leg of apple business, not a hobby anymore (100%)
    * AppleTV open plateform with new tool to build software for the AppleTV
    * some new tools will be shown
    * software for AppleTV available though iTunes (same as iPhone software)

    * new software version 2.0
    * movie rentals (100%)
    * make AppleTV less dependant of iTunes (rent directly from Internet) (80%)
    * new options: weather, news, rss reader, web browsing? (30%)

    * AppleTV device lineup
    * price drop for the current AppleTV (249$) (100%)
    * new AppleTV hardware with better sound support, other goodies still unknown (50%)
    * 160 gigs (299$) (100%)
    * 250 gigs (399$) (50%)
    * new Apple Remote (100%)

    Now, one more thing...

    * New MacBooks pro with new case design (50%)

    * New MacBooks with new case design (70%)

    * Review of the current state of light portables in the market
    * why is not mainstream ? What can we do to fix this ?
    * introducing Macbook Air (100%)
    * no SSD drive but 1.8 inch drives up to 160 gigs
    * no optical drives, sold seperately
    * two screen sizes: 13", 11-12"
    * aluminum, grey or black
    * very thin!!!
    * LED display
    * i/o ports very special to allow slimmer case design (details unknown)
    * 1500$ - 2000$

    Thanks to everybody for coming !

    1) Announces deal with movie companies for rentals through iTunes. These rentals will last the running time of the movie and cost $20.

    2) :apple:TV updated so that it can stream rental movies, but only to analog tvs.

    3) "There's Something in the Air" slogan turns out to be Apple branded oxygen dispenser called the iMask

    4) 16GB iPhone released for original price ($599)

    5) Mac mini discontinued

    6) Surprise switch back to Motorola chip (G6) with immediate updates for all laptop & desktop models

    7) "One More Thing" is rumored lightweight notebook (also doubles as hot plate)

    8) Steve announces the date he will step down as iCEO of Apple

    Before I get flamed, think about how little everyone will have to complain about the actual keynote in light of my pessimistic predictions (I don't actually think any of these things will happen).

    periodic table trends. Periodic Table Explorer
  • Periodic Table Explorer

  • Northgrove
    May 3, 02:26 PM
    Fees for the data for that one device. But please don't start a "tethering is awesome v. tethering is against the rules" war here, there's plenty of other threads for that.
    I'm not starting any war. I just think that their data fees should be set to cover the bandwidth usage. Who cares how many devices are used? Shouldn't the bytes count? To the operator it's just a stream of bytes. A stream of bytes that intensifies if you use more bandwidth, so the bandwidth used should be covered, not the devices.

    periodic table trends. Periodic Table Formulations
  • Periodic Table Formulations

  • goober1223
    Apr 5, 03:47 PM
    I knew there'd be a lot of "wuts" but this makes sense. If you don't like it, don't download it. I'm sure plenty of people will and it only adds value to their advertisers.

    Honestly though, some of the ads are really well done. Maybe I just appreciate them more than some others being that I am kind of in the industry.

    The bigger problem is that Apple rejected an app that served just this purpose (but was surely less pretty), as was already mentioned. This is a cool app, but they should be giving all of the money they earn from it to those that tried to submit this app long ago. I love Apple and have been converting slowly since my first iPod several years ago, but this is absolutely lame of them, even if it only effected a few people.

    periodic table trends. Periodic Table Trends
  • Periodic Table Trends

  • solvs
    Jan 12, 11:34 PM
    Bloggers are not professionals anyways.
    Some of them are trying to be, but as most of the rest of the posters here are trying to say, things like this just make it harder for them to be taken as such.

    periodic table trends. Periodic Table Trends
  • Periodic Table Trends

  • MacNut
    Jan 12, 02:20 AM
    who are you kidding? what part of iphone is not previously existed in technology? yay it has a nice UI, like all other apple products, but the hardware?And only 200 new patents.

    periodic table trends. the periodic table is that
  • the periodic table is that

  • Macula
    Jan 7, 06:41 PM
    Is it possible to download the entire keynote file (.avi) to my hard disk instead of viewing it streamed? Is it possible at all with Safari, or do I need Firefox and some extension/plugin?


    periodic table trends. of the periodic table,
  • of the periodic table,

  • Warbrain
    Sep 12, 08:47 AM
    Maybe with Disney coming on board it will be called iTOONS! ;)

    Um, Disney owns a ton of companies that don't make cartoons.

    periodic table trends. Guy in a periodic table shirt
  • Guy in a periodic table shirt

  • JAT
    Apr 6, 04:50 PM
    Considering it was released on April 5 (that's today), you either:

    periodic table trends. Trends: Periodic Table
  • Trends: Periodic Table

  • Coolerking
    Sep 12, 08:34 AM
    I can hear it now "By the way, Macbooks and Macbook Pro's now come with Core 2 Duo Processors...Now on with the show!"

    Eh well, A guy can dream can't he?

    periodic table trends. Periodic Table
  • Periodic Table

  • rjtyork
    Dec 13, 06:50 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8B117 Safari/6531.22.7)

    I can see apple releasing a verizon iPhone in january. It may or may not be upgraded or better in any way from the current iPhone 4. It does make sense for them to produce an iPhone 4V or iPhone 4.5 type of thing and then update both the CDMA and gsm versions in June or July and bring every model current with themselves with the iPhone 5. I doubt it will be LTE/4G but I bet it will come with a few other feature. Antennae issue will definitely be gone.

    periodic table trends. literacy periodic table
  • literacy periodic table

  • xPismo
    Oct 28, 04:58 PM
    Apple will need to open up osX to generic PC's but i can understand they'll want to wait until the Mac growth is stalling. Maybe at about 10% marketshare ?

    Remember the years of the clones? Apple is a whole widget company. They will not suceede by emulating M$ and selling software to other peoples hardware. Ever.

    periodic table trends. Periodic Table Trends
  • Periodic Table Trends

  • Blue Velvet
    Jan 12, 01:12 AM
    Not smug at all. Thought he comes across as reasonably down-to-earth... Just someone confident in their ability to do a good job and with an awareness of themselves and their qualities. Success does that to people.

    periodic table trends. periodic table trends
  • periodic table trends

  • roadbloc
    Apr 9, 06:11 PM
    A lot of the 'rumours' you posted are nonsense. Windows 8 will not and will never be unix based
    This, however I think the poster who first suggested it was joking, taking the mick out of the OP for suggesting every Windows 8 feature is a copy of a OS X feature.

    Both OS's have copied each other's features many times. It isn't just OS X that copies off Windows.

    periodic table trends. periodic table trend
  • periodic table trend

  • Cutwolf
    Mar 17, 01:20 AM

    Attack of the 16 year olds.

    Explains a lot.

    I hope he sold you a stolen iPad and you get arrested.

    periodic table trends. Trends on the Periodic Table
  • Trends on the Periodic Table

  • airforce1
    May 2, 11:19 AM
    Well that's just wrong... they aren't completely removing location tracking in anything. Just fixing "bugs" that stored to much information in a file on your phone.

    your correct, based on Steve Jobbs response to this which was pure BS we can never trust that the files do NOT get sent out, so with this and their sweat shops in china i think enough activists, governments around the world and companies will shut apple down, so its not just Congress coming to ask Apple why it was still there after a year ago when they where sued for using it to COLLECT POLITICAL VIEWS:

    Lets see why :

    Wikileeks, Wall street, Oil Giants, allot of these people used macs and iphones, I think Congress is doing the right thing indicting Apple for violations of privacy on US and foreign citizens becuase if they do nothing other nations will pull the plug forever, Israel already is planning a blockade on the devices

    periodic table trends. Periodic+table+trends+
  • Periodic+table+trends+

  • MacFly123
    Oct 6, 05:50 PM
    T-Mo may have screwed the pooch on their 3G rollout, but my phone doesn't drop 30% of my calls. It'll be interesting to see how ATT, and TMo keep up with the 3G coverage, as Verizon and Sprint move forward.

    My iPhone never drops calls and hasnt since after the first few months the 3G luanched. But I am not in New York or California! :p

    I did have a hard time sending MMS the week it launched. Lots of sending errors. And tethering...... how about that AT&T? :rolleyes:

    I want another US carrier to get the iPhone, if for no other reasons than to just spur competition and get a big load off of the AT&T network.

    periodic table trends. Periodic Table Trends
  • Periodic Table Trends

  • storage
    Oct 10, 06:09 PM
    Wireless YouTubePod! ;)

    periodic table trends. The periodic table is linked
  • The periodic table is linked

  • leekohler
    Mar 3, 08:02 PM
    WTF is wrong with Ohio? WTF is wrong with Republicans? Hey Republicans, guess what? You're signing your political death warrants, and you're going to contnue to drive jobs and people from Ohio.

    Folks in Ohio, get off your butts and fight this! :mad:

    BOWLING GREEN, OHIO -- The battle over a bill that some claim ties the hands of unionized public workers in Ohio has spread to the campus of Bowling Green State University.

    Members of the BGSU community held a walkout Thursday afternoon in opposition to Senate Bill 5.

    On Wednesday, the Republican-controlled Ohio Senate has passed the measure that would restrict the collective bargaining rights of roughly 350,000 teachers, university professors, firefighters, police officers and other public employees.

    The measure now goes to the state House, where the GOP holds a 59-40 majority.

    Republican Gov. John Kasich has said he supports the effort.

    Protestors at BGSU on Thursday said it's not fair to restrict the rights of union workers. The group said it supports their right to free speech as they gathered on campus in opposition.

    The bill establishes fines and jail time for those who participate in strikes. Unionized workers could negotiate wages, hours and certain work conditions - but not health care, sick time or pension benefits.

    Republicans have argued that the bill reigns in unions, which they believe make it difficult to balance the state's budget.

    Ohio currently faces an $8 billion two-year budget shortfall.

    periodic table trends. periodic table trends
  • periodic table trends

  • zap2
    Mar 7, 10:54 AM
    Android OS has gone through many changes and many people are now starting to feel iOS is getting dated. Android was first with true multi-tasking (iOS still lacks it even though it doesn't kill batteries on Android phones), copy/paste, augmented reality apps and they've implemented a much better notification system than Apple's near useless "block everything you're doing to answer this question".

    I suggest you check our Symbain if you think Android had it beat for multitasking. As far as "true multi-tasking", look if you're unhappy with iOS mutli-tasking solution, then it might be time to leave the OS, because it works just fine.

    Look at the MacBook Air, Rev A. They launched it, then basically forgot about it until the Rev D model which is now one of their top sellers. Will they stagnate there too ? A lot of people thought that "the future of Macbooks!" would actually translate in a few changes to other Macbook lines. It didn't. Look at the Mac Mini.

    Are sorry are you upset that Apple doesn't redo their laptop each time? Yes, sometimes all we are going to get spec updates, not the end of the world, it just makes sense from a business model. "Basically forgetting about it" is just code for only spec updates right?

    Apr 15, 09:30 PM
    Yes and Palm smartphones and Blackberries never existed before the iPhone.

    They were "called" smart phones. But the iphone defined the direction the iphones of the future would take.

    Jan 10, 04:00 PM
    banned forever i say

    Oct 10, 05:22 PM
    Yeah, Apple isn't going to sit back and let Zune steal its lunch!

    Those who bought the 5.5g ipods lately probably are going to feel bummed.

    Sep 12, 08:34 AM
    I can hear it now "By the way, Macbooks and Macbook Pro's now come with Core 2 Duo Processors...Now on with the show!"

    Eh well, A guy can dream can't he?

    Apr 22, 06:07 PM
    Here's the reality of this non-issue...

    You'd be up in arms if Google were doing it. Or anyone else to that matter.

    I like how you have, yet again, managed to turn a non-Apple related discussion, to a discussion about Apple. Grats.

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