Monday, May 30, 2011


proteinas. Alimentos Ricos En Proteinas.
  • Alimentos Ricos En Proteinas.

  • bac4Christ
    Nov 17, 12:32 PM
    I'm sure that somewhere in their headquarters Apple keeps a build of OS X on AMD like they did with Intel. But Idon't think that anyone outside of Apple will see it at least for several years.

    Apple did not have a version of OS X running in it's labs. Intel has had every version running on their chips since the early 1990s when they first entered into discussions about using Intel chips. Intel some of the best software programmers in the world, wrt making an OS work on Intel chips. Apple got the OS X port from Intel to speed up the process of introducing the chips.

    proteinas. Alimentos Ricos En Proteinas
  • Alimentos Ricos En Proteinas

  • Fossie
    Jan 11, 06:53 PM
    I think people should just get over it. Although doing it while he was doing the talk was a little :mad:

    proteinas. 10 proteinas: proteina de
  • 10 proteinas: proteina de

  • IJ Reilly
    Oct 20, 01:51 PM
    Oh, I dunno, perhaps acquire some more companies? You know, like TiVo - with its valuable IP - for an easy $400 million. Or pump it into R&D. Or a stake in Nintendo or Sony. Or acquire the EMI Music Group (for $1 billion) as a buffer against the other RIAA members pressuring for an increase in the iTunes Store pricing. Or finally pay off Apple Records once and for all. Those are several things Apple could do* with that $10 billion that could be more useful than artificially boosting the stock by paying out an expensive dividend to grumpy shareholders.

    Heck, maybe they could go all-solar on the Apple campus like what Google is doing.

    Of course the point is, they aren't doing these or any or things with the money. It's been accumulating steadily for nearly ten years, and is really building up quickly now. I don't think any of us "grumpy" stockholders would be complaining if Apple was doing something worthwhile with it. Dividends, BTW, are a message from a company to stockholders that they don't have to sell to realize a benefit from owning shares. They are good for improving the long term stability of the stock.

    proteinas. As proteínas participam da
  • As proteínas participam da

  • kernkraft
    Oct 1, 04:11 PM
    Wow. I suggest finding a phonebook and looking up your nearest therapist because you have major issues. House rapist? You are mental? You have gone bananas so I suppose that avatar suits you. I have no problem with people being good neighbours by not building an eye sore but ultimately those damn conservationists can stick their concerns where the sun does not shine because it is not their property and they would not have paid a single red cent to make that old house livable and earthquake safe. Everything has a life span and that includes houses.

    Those conservationists should have given up early on when the facts were presented about the costs of saving the house. They are just crazy busy bodies who are jealous of Job's wealth and expected him to spend money on a house that was not worth saving.

    You should realize that everything we have in the physical world deteriorates eventually and that things are not really what is important.

    Give me your best shot, not this patronising, insulting crap! The house rapist part was meant to be a bit of a joke, but clearly, it was wasted on you.

    I could insult you, but what's the point? You have issues with my banana, whereas you named yourself after one of the greatest classic philosophers? Who the hell do you think you are?! I suggest you suck my banana and put me on your ignore list, because I don't need a monkey on my back, whatever it's called.

    proteinas. Síntesis de proteínas
  • Síntesis de proteínas

  • jelloshotsrule
    Sep 8, 08:36 AM
    Whatever, he is a no talent hack, and a dumbass.

    "AIDS is a man-made disease in the first place, that was placed in Africa just like crack was placed in the black community to break up the Black Panther party."

    He also criticised politicians for "riding home in their Benzs and Bentleys while poor Africans starve".

    I wonder what he drives......

    i won't defend the first comment, seems kinda overboard, though i bet it's way out of context.

    however, the second comment... yeah, he probably drives a sweet car, but he also isn't in a political position in which he could be helping deal with the african poverty/aids crisis...

    in both quotes, you have to look at the idea behind the words, not just take the words literally. but *he's* the dumbass...

    proteinas. proteínas adosadas a
  • proteínas adosadas a

  • the Rebel
    May 4, 12:14 AM
    FYI, I just looked up the US Department of Transportation statistics.

    Trucks outnumber cars in some states, but cars outnumber trucks in other states. Overall they say that passenger vehicles in the United States are 58% cars and 42% trucks, but the total number of trucks continues to increase whereas the total number of cars has actually decreased slightly.

    proteinas. Barritas Proteinas
  • Barritas Proteinas

  • KnightWRX
    Mar 26, 09:18 PM
    I don't know, that would be one big download. With people still using dial-up, I'm just not seeing it. As for the USB stick, that would be neat and the best way to go, because of the AIR.

    Yeah, installing an OS straight from the Internet ? Never heard of that before. :rolleyes:

    Not everyone is stuck on dial-up, and it would be nice for Apple to finally provide an option that has been the norm in many other OS installers for the last 15 years.

    However, I doubt we won't see optical discs. For one, they are much cheaper and faster to duplicate than Flash memory devices. It would make no sense for Apple to go the costly route of Flash only distribution just yet since most of their line-up still have DVD drives.

    proteinas. Troféu Arlequim middot; Dança
  • Troféu Arlequim middot; Dança

  • TrulyYuki
    Apr 6, 12:44 PM
    where did you get those? Did you make them?
    My mom and I would love some!
    We already have those rubber bracelets but we have very tiny wrists.

    proteinas. CON PROTEINAS, 250ML - salerm
  • CON PROTEINAS, 250ML - salerm

  • leekohler
    Mar 4, 03:05 PM
    Really? You don't believe in that whole 'teach a man to fish' crap?
    I suppose you also think the solution to African starvation is sending them bags of rice, corn, wheat w/out teaching them to plant some?

    The conservative side does not seem believe in the "teach a man to fish" crap. They talk about it, but rarely practice it. For them it's more like this, "Go learn to fish, and if you can't afford the education, too bad."

    proteinas. de las proteínas humanas
  • de las proteínas humanas

  • count chocula
    Nov 24, 12:12 PM
    yay for the sale! i got a bluetooth mighty mouse. :)

    proteinas. PROTEÍNAS. PROTEÍNAS.

  • err404
    May 2, 10:06 AM
    I hope performance in gps accuracy isn t affected by it...

    Accuracy, no. Time to lock, maybe slightly when traveling (more so in areas with spotty data coverage).

    proteinas. ricos en proteínas,
  • ricos en proteínas,

  • rdowns
    Apr 16, 04:28 PM
    It is not gay people that people should be afraid of. It's people who promote homosexuality through media, education, culture, and government that people should be afraid of.


    proteinas. interação entre proteínas,
  • interação entre proteínas,

  • Irishman
    Jan 11, 04:43 PM
    Quite childish behavior, I agree.

    proteinas. Por lo general, la proteína de
  • Por lo general, la proteína de

  • bikertwin
    Sep 25, 11:12 AM
    Why are people rating this news as negative? It seems like a decent update to a good program, and it's free for existing Aperture users. What were you expecting?

    Yeah, it leaves me scratching my head. Huh? How could any of these features--which people have been screaming for--be bad news?

    Or is that the MacBookPro weenies whining that there was no update? Losers.

    proteinas. Las Proteínas
  • Las Proteínas

  • xPismo
    Oct 28, 05:05 PM
    Folks, I think you are misinterpreting what the OSx86 project is doing (at least in this case)...

    Darwin and XNU does NOT EQUAL the full OSX user experience. Darwin/XNU is just a command-line operating system, as that is the only part that is open-source.

    Cool, thanks for the info, I did not get that from the news post. Are there any high visability projects that are using the open source darwin setup? I would be interested in learning why they choose it over other options.

    proteinas. teor de proteína.
  • teor de proteína.

  • VideoFreek
    May 4, 02:57 PM
    The bill and its proposed draconian penalties is just ridiculous.

    On the other hand, Dr. Choi should tend to the physical and mental well-being of his patients, and stop trying to play safety nanny. Sorry, but I find his arguments unconvincing, and if a busybody doctor starting quizzing me about safety practices around my home, I'd tell him to F off.

    proteinas. Maduración de proteínas
  • Maduración de proteínas

  • Hephaestus
    Mar 18, 08:18 PM
    I agree with you on this- the comments were definitely rude.

    But I still don't think you get my point (and this includes the guy who posted below my previous post). That it doesn't mean that the other person is jealous of you. Its this attitude that irks me. And its this very attitude that so many "fanboys" share. Why in the world would someone be JEALOUS of you because you have a $200-$300 phone or even a $1500 computer?!? And because you think others envy you for it, you end up placing extraordinary value on everyday material things. I mean, seriously, is this what you use to define your status in society, what kind of phone you carry? Are you really that shallow and materialistic? I honestly feel pity for you.

    To the other poster. You were jealous of (or "hated") those who had iphones until you got one for yourself. Now you believe that everyone around you is jealous of you.

    I understand, you buy something trendy, and it makes you feel good. Thats great, I'm not arguing with that, because you should enjoy everything you have. But its this faux sense of superiority that comes with it, that makes you believe that others are envious of you because you bought this gadget. Its not like you've won the Nobel prize or even drive a Bugatti Veyron, that would make someone want what you have. No, you bought a phone. A phone that lots of people already have. A phone that my housekeeper's 11 year old son has. And any Joe Schmoe can walk into any Apple store/Walmart/Best Buy and pick one up. And when the new model comes out, you'll buy that as well, because you're chronically unsatisfied with what you have, and somehow, you feel that owning this will raise you up above the rest of society. It is people with attitudes like this (the attitude of the fanboy) that Apple capitalizes on.

    Take this as a life lesson -- set your goals higher. Don't be envious of the guy with the cooler phone.

    Oh my, you really missed the point with this one. Maybe you are right and I'm exaggerating, but if someone flat out starts being rude to someone because they see them with something, then I'm struggling to think of a reason. By no means am I placing extraordinary value on it, what have I been repeating through every page of this thread? Its just a damn phone. Keep your life lessons to yourself and try not to be so condescending.

    Also, reality is that there are a lot of people out there that get jealous of material things. Some people get jealous when they see others drive a nicer car, some get jealous when they see someone with nicer shoes then them. I perfectly understand the shallowness of the human condition. I'm simply pointing out an observation based on my own personal experience within the last few days.

    proteinas. Proteinas Bioquimica Facoluz
  • Proteinas Bioquimica Facoluz

  • Josias
    Aug 1, 10:37 AM
    Awww, they finally made it possible to buy DMB Music on Music Store. Though I don't se it much, I know many that do, and I think it would be a loss for everyone...:(

    How can a Norwegian law affect Denmark like this?:confused:

    proteinas. Las proteínas son usadas para
  • Las proteínas son usadas para

  • eji
    Sep 12, 01:29 AM
    I'm waiting to be disappointed. I realized that the anonymously submitted schedule of events could very well turn out to be true, in which case I'm not too miffed that I'll be missing live coverage of the event.

    Here're my reservations:

    - iTunes should be strictly music. iTube or iFilm or iMovies or iVideo or Apple Movie Store should be a separate application; or else name it iMedia and completely rethink the interface. I find that since the addition of video podcasts and TV shows, iTunes is getting really difficult to keep tidy and organized, even with features like smart playlists and a 20" screen. It looks like a big, sloppy mass of text.

    - The price should be $11.99 - 9.99 for new movies, $9.99 - 7.99 for older ones, and an iPod version should be thrown in with the full-quality feature. Any more than that and I'll just buy and rip the DVD or, more likely, just download it elsewhere. This pricing structure is not going to happen, I know, and so I'm already less than thrilled.

    - The wireless Mac-to-TV bridge has to be really cool and effortlessly simple (and PC compatible too). This proposed "TubePort" USB dongle sounds like the most likely solution for a cross-platform device, but I'm hoping that the AirPort in all its various incarnations (Express, Extreme) will get a revamp and allow for video streaming somehow.

    - A true video iPod needs to come soon. As in, before Christmas. And I really don't think we're going to see it today.

    We'll see how it goes, of course, but I don't know if the event will live up to the hype. That seems to be Apple's nagging problem lately.

    Mar 17, 11:18 AM
    I would just like people to know a few things about me:

    I'm an Indian Shaman and a King

    I had coffee this morning

    I'm sick of NYC and the scalpers

    My P is about 3 inches (from the ground)

    I wrote Jobs an email for free **** because I can't wait for shipping

    I was raised in the everybody wins society by useless parents

    I hate everyone that has an iPad 2 right now

    Did I mention the NYC scalpers?

    I love useless threads on MacRumors

    I'm entitled to whatever I want as long as I say so

    There I think I covered just about every useless thread this place has seen lately. :D

    Bubba Satori
    Mar 28, 03:50 PM
    What exactly is a 'hater'? Someone that disagrees with the company line? Someone with a dissenting opinion?

    Yes, it's the new iToy double think paradigm.
    Think Different has been replaced by Don't Think At All, Hater. :rolleyes:
    Sad, what long term koolaid abuse does to the gray cells.
    What's hilarious is the preemptive timing of the hating predictions.
    Poor, feeble minded bois must be constantly trembling in fear.
    Not even Pavlov's dog drooled before the bell rung.
    Scary iZombies are scary.

    "Don't think haters. Agree with glorious leader."

    Nov 23, 06:48 PM
    iPod Nano (except Reds): $138-$228

    The "red" iPod nanos and the new ipod shuffle remain at the same prices...

    that sucks! i was thinking of selling my 2gb and getting a red 4gb :mad:

    Sep 7, 11:51 PM
    i get the feeling a lot of people are going to jump on the bash kanye west bandwagon since he trashed george bush.

    the racism that is apparent in this thread is frightening though

    Apr 26, 07:41 PM

    wlh99, I'll step back when ever I want to, this is a public Forum and people are here to discuss and learn new stuff.

    Any way.. if you guys can't help me, just go to another thread.

    I'm more than happy to help, which is why I asked what you meant by "ON" and "OFF" and what exactly you want to do. Because I don't know. Timers are not "ON" or "OFF" so I need to know what you mean.

    I was referring to the "if" statement, not the comment. How and where do you declare myTimer and newTimer? Where are they assigned a value? Post that code. My assumption was (possibly incorrect) that they were assigned as the return value from when you created the timers.

    In which case, they are pointers. If you declared them as a primitive type and assigned them a value not related to the timer objects, then they are not pointers. If that is the case, I am even more confused as to what you want the program to do.

    Post your code, and let us know what you are trying to accomplish.

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