Tuesday, May 31, 2011

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  • Drag'nGT
    Oct 6, 12:08 PM
    Isn't Verizon's 4G network going to be GSM?

    on another note if it is wouldn't their coverage also be spotty?

    Verizon bought many different CDMA companies that didn't take off during the early years of cell phones. Because of that, they have infrastructure that can be upgraded. In other words, they have towers in those areas that shaded red. CDMA or GSM doesn't matter so much as having a tower in the area to put equipment on. So no, the upgrade to 4G will not cause spotty coverage.

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  • mark151
    Sep 12, 08:12 AM
    Italian iTunes (Music) Store is down too, with the black screen.

    and...i've found this http://www.apple.com/movies

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  • nsjoker
    Aug 7, 03:17 PM
    Sweet. $500 for the 20" with the edu discount??

    $649 w/ edu my friend

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  • lordonuthin
    Jul 14, 08:21 PM
    it's cable internet. the company is mediacom. it's the only cable company out here. but i guess i might have to go dsl if they don't fix it

    I have Mediacom too, I'm supposed to have really fast service, it's ok most of the time but here is what cnet's speed test (http://reviews.cnet.com/internet-speed-test/) gave me.


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  • MorphingDragon
    Apr 30, 12:24 AM
    Hey knock it off with all the off topic Windows drivel. Winrumors forums would be a better place to dispute these matters.

    Slight UI tweaks aren't a big topic pool to draw from.

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  • croasmun
    Oct 2, 03:11 PM
    Since when is Apple not a litigious company?


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  • guzhogi
    Dec 13, 01:15 PM
    Where would you have MacRumors put it? Why do you think of others peeing their pants?

    How about not even putting it up on the site? My question was why do they have to have a new article for every time someone says that?

    As for peeing pants, ok, maybe people aren't peeing their pants. But obviously people care enough to post these this rumor every time another site posts the rumor. I'm just tired of seeing dozens of new articles about this place or that place saying "iPhone on Verizon after Christmas!" Ok, I get it! People expect a Verizon iPhone. Get over it. This is kinda like the Beatles on iTunes, or people talking for months that Michael Jackson died, etc.

    Anyone know a good news site that says what has happened and then move on to the next news item? If this is all that MacRumors is going to post, I think it may be time to say goodbye to MacRumors. Just tired of seeing the same rumors repeated over & over again.

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  • dethmaShine
    Apr 29, 02:19 PM


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  • jrtc27
    Apr 30, 03:45 AM
    No, because then as pointed out by your MS friend, it would be Windows NT 6.1 ;) Your blog post even says it doesn't make sense, so I don't see how "MS gave you info" when your "source" says it doesn't make any sense.

    The reason why it is 6.1 is to maintain compatibility with software/drivers that worked in Vista - they did not want another Vista moment!

    I don't get why everybody hates this UI change - I personally think it looks a lot better and people will not get confused:).

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  • RebeccaL
    Apr 30, 07:28 AM
    I hope they go back to the rounded buttons. The new square ones are too windows-like. Also that new iCal interface looks like crap.


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  • samiwas
    Mar 3, 10:05 PM
    That's true regarding federal employees. It's being labeled as draconian because that's how union thugs get their message across. They need to scare people in order to get their way. Scare or intimidate... and thankfully they aren't powerful enough to intimidate all of us at this point.

    You act as if all unions are criminal operations existing solely to crush the REAL Americans running business. There are plenty of unions out there that ARE like that. Go check with the IATSE union in Rhode Island (and I'm a member of IATSE, but not in Rhode Island). But I'm pretty sure that teachers unions are generally not being backed with thug tactics.

    But, as we know, anything that goes against your free-market utopia of everyone but upper management getting paid minimalistic third-world wages and having no say whatsoever in their employed life is considered thuggery.

    The company I work for is moving very quickly towards losing a lot of their people because they are more and more starting to treat us like pawns rather than the close-knit group we used to be. We're a little small to unionize...but in your opinion, we should have no right at all to stand up together against them and demand better treatment, right? Just go find different jobs?

    It's really too bad that it's so easy to get banned around here.

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  • Donz0r
    Jan 9, 01:44 PM
    I was gonna say this thread feels like an AA meeting, but it's more like we're all waiting for our next dose of crack or something... :p

    Apple Keynotes, My Anti-Drug! :D


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  • SimonTheSoundMa
    Sep 25, 04:03 PM
    I suppose there could be a bit of news here for non-photographers.

    As I understand it, Aperture uses OS X's built-in RAW image processing. If I remember rightly, the last Aperture update accompanied an OS X update. So it's possible 10.4.8 could be just around the corner (i.e. sometime this week?)
    It still is pretty poor with compatibility when it comes to RAW. For example, it still can't read white balance from the meta data on RAW files off Canon cameras. Great!

    Aperture's development also is going slow. Apple pulling out the software?

    Perhaps all the developers are spending too much time on Leopard and Logic 8 at the moment.

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  • MonkeyClaw
    Oct 12, 08:37 AM
    Nice try, SavMan. But I'm not buying your interesting yet psuedoscientific explanation for why 5G iPods only 'appear' to scratch more easily.

    White 5G iPods are just as easily scratched as the black ones, as any disappointed owner will tell you. I've had a 4G iPod for 2 years, carrying it back and forth to work in my pocket. I take it out of a Belkin case to recharge it, then put it back in for transport. The thing still looks practically new. I know someone else who purchased a new white 5G iPod. Within moments of gentle handling, the thing is covered with light scratches.

    It seems to me that a softer grade of acrylic is being used on these latest iPods. I'm not the only one who's noticed this problem. I don't believe that it's the result of some optical coincidence. Everyone knows that there are hundreds (if not thousands) of complaints to be found on the net.

    Whatever the reason is, a manufacturer who doesn't care what their customers have to say about their expensive products will soon find those customers flocking to other companies' products. Hellooooo Zune!

    And no amount of fanboy cheerleading will stop it.

    No its not really fanboy cheerleading, its called physics. He hit the nail on the head with that post, the acrylic is the same, its just the shape. Thats not psudoscience, its elementary high school physics :rolleyes:

    But if a couple of scratches rub you the wrong way, then go ahead and get a zune, no one will really care ;)


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  • Nekbeth
    Apr 28, 09:38 AM
    wlh99, let me tell you precisely what I want to achieve, so there is no more confusion.

    Two views;

    View 1 is the ticker and a button underneath (button start.

    View 2 is display (label) with the timer running and a button underneath (button Cancel)

    Button Cancel will have two maybe three funtions ( stop the timer, reset it or just reset it at once and call View1 so the user can reuse the timer over again. That's it, I want to add that function to my App for 1.1 or it could be 1.4 if don't get to study now hahaa.

    I'll take care of the alarms, sounds and those details if it reaches to zero, that I know already.

    By the way, what's with 3rd person reference? the OP? you can call me Nekbeth or Chrystian, it's a lot more polite. Maybe you guys have a way to refer to someone , I don't know.

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  • GeeYouEye
    Apr 25, 02:13 AM
    Excellent! Although I think some are underestimating the utility of negative ratings in increasing the SNR of the forums. I can't tell you how many times I've read through a thread (especially a front page-based thread) with factual errors that no one catches for pages and while other folks speculate wildly based on that, and then others go into hysterics over the speculation and on and on... it gets ugly

    A few points:

    Does this use the vB reputation system? If so, I recommend the Public Display of Affection plugin if you're going to change things to show who up/downvoted. PDA was (last I checked) not explicitly compatible with 3.8.x, but I've got it running (see sig) on 3.8.1. (If you're not using the vB rep system, why not? You can hide the pips entirely, although my forum finds them useful, to judge the credibility of who's agreeing/disagreeing)

    Seconding the comment about the style... the buttons just look... off somehow.

    Definitely do NOT hide posts based on downvotes. It just doesn't work for forums. Comments, yes, forums, no. The number should just help speed up recognition of good and bad posts as such, not be a filter for them.

    Not sure if I like the one-click interface. Using the regular vB rep controls requires 2 clicks (three, if you don't disable that damned JS alert) to give rep. It's a slightly greater commitment, which gives people a second to think before downvoting. On the other hand, it's one-click on reddit too, and I haven't up or downvoted every post and comment... it's a tossup.


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  • fsudaft
    Mar 23, 11:41 AM
    I'm a friend of rtdgoldfish, we hang out and shoot the crap and play games. I don't think the area we live in has wifi stealing laws, but you never know until someone gets arrested for it. But since he doesn't run a business or have any confidential information on his computer that i know about, i doubt that there will be any thing the police here can do about it.

    He's a pretty nice guy and I was surprised when he called me late one night to tell me what happened, he lives in a pretty tranquil place. the funny thing about this is that it seems like he's been doing the whole investigation while he police just sit around and wait for his information. I hope he gets his stuff back though.

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  • killuminati
    Sep 7, 10:39 PM
    I can never have any respect or even try to understand for any one to say "******* the police thats how we treat 'em" Now, is that not bad boy enough.

    It's a bit deeper then that though, he says

    ******* the police that's how we treat 'em
    we buy our way out of jail, but we can't buy freedom

    He's not just saying F the police just because they're the police.

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  • mikegtown
    Apr 15, 12:35 PM
    Regardless of the validity, I personally think the chances are very high for a unibody type iPhone, it only makes sense. Apple did a unibody macbook (plastic). Its Apple, everything standardizes and is consistent, otherwise Steve's head will explode.

    Oct 10, 04:45 PM

    Mar 19, 05:16 PM

    and the way you express yourself practically shows me why people 'diss' all your gadgets.

    Here in England thats a pretty common figure of speech that people use all the time. It doesn't mean literally ages. I forgot this was an American forum, but what does that have to do with anything anyway?

    Apr 25, 02:39 PM
    I any of these were real, wouldn't we see a cease and desist letter?

    Apr 3, 09:40 PM
    The pawn records and the name on the lease should have pointed them onward, since he is likely to keep pawning crap at his new place.

    But your stuff is probably his toy until he gets tired of it, or has already been sold.

    Or the son of the lady who is there did it, and had already sold the box to a friend.

    Especially odd if she admits to have lived there since January 1st.

    Two scumbags in a row at the same house isn't too far out of the question if the homeowner rents to the same pool of people.

    It kinda sucks because I thought I knew most of the people in the neighborhood. The few houses that I don't know are the "sumbags".

    And I am guessing that someone new has my 360, it has been online way more frequently than before however they still haven't played a game.

    Oct 4, 04:18 PM
    The inquirer is definitely wrong about this! OS X is a great OS with many features but it needs a lot of work with SMP compared to 64 bit windows and Linux.

    In fact, OS X is behind on being a full 64 bit OS as well.

    Besides, I wouldn't contradict Aiden if I were you. The man knows of that which he speaks.No kidding. The only time I contradict Aiden is always inadvertant use of my ignorant brain connected to my loose fingers. And Aiden is always happy to correct the error of my ways while I am glad he does.

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